Question Bank

Question Bank


Unit 1: From Territory to Early Statehood

Indiana’s Geology
Who owns the resources that are under the land we live on and who decides how they should be used?

Indian Land Grants
How can we integrate the concepts of land stewardship and land ownership?

Water Power
As water resources become more scarce, how do we balance the rights of individuals “upstream” with the rights of those “downstream?”

1821 State Map
How can competing populations justly determine “ownership” of the land?

Early Education
Should all public education be free, and if so, who should bear the cost?

Racial Disparity
How do we resolve conflict when restrictions on migration are based on race?

Unit 2: The Civil War

Article XIII
How should the movement of people between states – and nations – be regulated?

Civil War Recruiting Poster
What motivates individuals to join - or oppose - an armed conflict?

Women in the Civil War
What obligations does a country have to the men and women who serve in the military?

Indiana Prisoners of War
What moral and ethical obligations do captors have towards prisoners of war?

Battle of Shiloh
How can a nation resolve its differences without armed conflict?

How do we remember war?
How do symbols unite or divide us?

Unit 3: Industrialization

Indiana’s Canal Era
How do new modes of transportation affect the citizens of Indiana?

Recorded Sound
How has current technology affected the way elected officials communicate with their constituents?

Railroads and Recreation
How do we balance the commercial and recreational uses of Indiana’s natural resources?

Indiana Entrepreneurs
How can entrepreneurs combine successful businesses with social justice?

Indiana Car Manufacturers
How can Indiana manufacturers maintain stability in a rapidly changing environment?

Women’s Suffrage
How might mandatory voting affect voter turnout and election results?

Unit 4: World Wars and the Great Depression

POW’s in Indiana
How and why should we maintain the human rights of those in our custody?

Writing about the War
How do we balance privacy versus accountability while maintaining national security?

Women and WWII
How has the evolving role of women changed the nature of our culture?

Indiana Avenue
How do we weigh the value of preservation against land needed for new development?

CCC at work in Indiana
How can we use archeological evidence to preserve and protect our natural environment?

Progressive Ideas Applied
What role do standardized tests play in maximizing an individual’s potential?

Unit 5: The Turbulent Post-War Years

Space Race
Who “owns” space and who is entitled to potential extraterrestrial resources?

Civil Rights
How can the rights of all groups be protected in a polarized society?

The Cold War
At what point is a nation justified to interfere with the sovereignty of another nation?

What impact do student protests and demonstrations have on local, state, and national policy?

Title IX
What cultural factors make it necessary to require legislation to provide equal opportunities for female and male students?

Housing Discrimination
How does housing discrimination impact quality of life?

Unit 6: Hoosiers in the 21st Century

New Targets of Discrimination
What can society do to limit discrimination based not only on race but also physical or intellectual disabilities, gender preference, and health?

Desert Storm Veterans
How should a society honor and protect those who serve in times of war or peace?

Preserving Memories
How do we preserve the past while making way for the future?

Comics and Pop Culture
How do universities meet the changing interests of their students? Should they?

Art and Architecture
How can corporations be good neighbors and citizens?

The U.S. Supreme Court
What contributions has Indiana made to the nation’s legal history?


Unit 1: From Territory to Early Statehood

1. Owen geological survey
Dr. Dale Owen’s map was the first geological survey of…
a. The Midwest
b. The Northeast
c. The South
d. The West

Owen’s geological survey primarily shows information about…
a. Agricultural crops
b. Animal species
c. Rainfall amounts
d. Rock formations

Geological information about natural resources is important for…
a. Building roads and bridges
b. Planning for new factories and businesses
c. Protecting the environment
d. All of the above

2. Indian Land Grants
Who was J. B. Richardville?
a. A French settler in what is now Indiana
b. An English settler who came to Indiana from Virginia
c. A representative of the U.S. government
d. A chief of the Miami people

Why did the U.S. government want to move the Miami and other native people?
a. To avoid a war with France
b. To build Indianapolis
c. To make them more comfortable
d. To provide land for white settlers

Fort Wayne is located on what Indiana River?
a. The Mississippi River
b. The Ohio River
c. The Potomac River
d. The Wabash River

3. Spring Mill
What was a major source of power in pioneer Indiana?
a. Nuclear energy
b. Oil
c. Solar energy
d. Water

Which of these was NOT a significant use for water in pioneer Indiana?
a. Irrigation
b. Power
c. Transportation of people
d. Transportation of goods

Gristmills process…
a. Animals
b. Corn and wheat
c. Fish
d. Trees

4. 1821 State Map
Which native peoples were NOT living in Indiana in the early 1800s?
a. The Cherokee
b. The Delaware
c. The Miami
d. The Pottawatomie

Why was Indiana settled from South to North?
a. Accessible by river
b. Accessible by roads
c. Cleared fields
d. Friendly native peoples

Indiana’s Territorial capital was
a. Corydon
b. Indianapolis
c. Louisville
d. Vincennes

5. Public Education
Under both the 1816 and 1851 Indiana Constitutions, public education was…
a. Costly
b. Free
c. Illegal
d. Undesirable

What new statewide elected office did the 1851 Indiana Constitution create?
a. Governor
b. Supreme Court Justice
c. Superintendent of Public Instruction
d. Treasurer

Caleb Mills was traveling around Indiana visiting…
a. Churches
b. Factories
c. Farms
d. Schools

6. Racial Inequality
Who was required to register under an 1831 Indiana law?
a. Blacks
b. Convicts
c. Homeless people
d. Teachers

Blacks living in Indiana after 1831 had to post a bond as an assurance of their continuing good behavior. How much was that bond?
a. $5
b. $50
c. $100
d. $500

Indiana’s pre-Civil War laws might reveal what attitude towards blacks?
a. Admiration
b. Hostility
c. Jealousy
d. Respect

Unit 2: The Civil War

1. Article XIII
In pre-Civil War Indiana, blacks were required to
a. Leave the state
b. Post a $500 bond
c. Serve in the militia
d. Vote

The intent of Article XII of the 1851 Indiana Constitution was to
a. Create special zones where blacks could live
b. Designate all Indiana blacks as slaves
c. Free black slaves living in Indiana
d. Prevent blacks from moving to Indiana

Under Article XIII, people who hired blacks or encouraged them to stay in Indiana faced
a. Loss of property
b. Loss of voting privileges
c. Prison sentences
d. Significant fines

2. Recruiting Poster
Who organized the 18th Indiana Artillery?
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Eli Lilly
c. Lew Wallace
d. Oliver P. Morton

Civil War recruiting posters often enticed volunteers with….
a. Citizenship
b. Intimidation
c. Money
d. Threats

Eli Lilly is recruiting a unit for which war?
a. American Revolution
b. Civil War
c. Mexican War
d. World War I

3. Battle of Shiloh
Civil War battles like the one at Shiloh were often fought in…
a. Areas with lots of water
b. Bodies of water
c. Forests
d. Wide-open spaces

At the battle of Shiloh, Indiana troops fought alongside troops from the…
a. East Coast
b. Midwest
c. South
d. West coast

The Battle of Shiloh shocked many Americans because of the…
a. Commanding generals
b. Length
c. Location
d. Number of casualties

4. Prisoners of War
Jackson Broshears was a _____ during the Civil War?
a. A Union soldier taken captive by the Confederacy
b. Confederate soldier
c. Reporter
d. A Confederate soldier taken captive by the Union

During and after his imprisonment in 1864, Jackson Broshears was
a. Healthy
b. Malnourished
c. Well fed
d. Well dressed

The Union POW camp located in Indianapolis was called
a. Camp Atterbury
b. Camp Morton
c. Fort Benjamin Harrison
d. Fort Wayne

5. Women in the War
During the Civil War, Lucy Higgs Nichols was a
a. Cook
b. Nurse
c. Slave
d. All of the above

Following the Civil War, many units held periodic
a. Food drives
b. Fundraisers
c. Re-enactments
d. Reunions

With the help of veterans from the Indiana 23rd, Lucy Nichols received a
a. Congressional Medal of Honor
b. Job
c. Presidential pardon
d. Pension

6. Soldiers and Sailors Monument
The Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Monument is located in
a. Corydon
b. Indianapolis
c. Michigan City
d. Vincennes

The Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Monument commemorates veterans from the
a. American Revolution
b. Civil War
c. American Revolution, Civil War, and Spanish-American War
d. World Wars I and II

Construction on the Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Monument began in the ____ including a dedication by President Benjamin Harrison.
a. 1700s
b. 1800s
c. 1900s
d. 2000s

Unit 3: Industrialization

1. South Shore
What was an important source of industry in Northern Indiana?
a. Fruit Markets
b. Glass Factories
c. Lumber Mills
d. Steel Mills

At the time, what was a convenient mode of transportation for people visiting the Dunes from Chicago?
a. Airplanes
b. Cars
c. Sailboats
d. Trains

What is the body of water in the Northwest part of Indiana?
a. Lake Erie
b. Lake Superior
c. Ohio River
d. None of the Above

2. Women’s Franchise
What amendment gave women the right to vote?
a. 1st
b. 13th
c. 19th
d. 26st

What is one of the reasons the Women's Franchise League argues women should be allowed the right to vote?
a. They are only being treated as half citizens
b. They are smarter than men
c. They are raising the children of tomorrow
d. They do not pay taxes

What right does suffrage provide?
a. Education
b. Employment
c. Voting
d. None of the Above

3. Price Leader
Where was the McIntyre 6-40 Limited Produced?
a. Auburn, Indiana
b. Chicago, Illinois
c. Detroit, Michigan
d. Louisville, Kentucky

What company has not manufactured cars or car parts in Indiana?
a. Duesenberg
b. Studebaker
c. Toyota
d. Volvo

When did the last Indiana-based luxury car company close its doors?
a. 1930s
b. 1940s
c. 1970s
d. None of the Above

4. Benjamin Harrison
Who conceived of and made the first voice recordings? (Check Spelling)
a. Alexander Graham Bell
b. Henry Ford
c. Nikola Tesla
d. Thomas Edison

The Pan-American Congress worked to improve relations between the United States and what country?
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe
d. South America

While Benjamin Harrison was President, which innovation was brought to the White House?
a. Bathtubs
b. Electricity
c. Internet
d. None of the Above

5. Madam C.J. Walker
Which of the following was a product offered by the Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company?
a. Cleaning supplies
b. Cold medicines
c. Shampoo
d. Vegetables

Where was Madam Walker’s business headquartered?
a. Elkhart
b. Evansville
c. Fort Wayne
d. Indianapolis

Madam Walker sued a ____ because she believed they were discriminating against African American customers?
a. Hotel
b. Restaurant
c. School
d. Theater

6. Canal Map
The Lockport canal map was produced with what sort of technology?
a. Camera
b. Computer
c. GIS
d. Hand drawn

What feature boosted the growth of Lockport and the surrounding area?
a. Canal
b. Manufacturing Plant
c. Park
d. Post Office

The land that eventually became the town of Lockport was acquired from whom?
a. British
b. Farmers
c. Ohioans
d. Native Americans

Unit 4: World Wars and the Great Depression

1. Indiana Ave
What city is the focus of the W.H. Bass Photo Company (Pamela Tranfield Memorial Collection)?
a. Auburn
b. Fort Wayne
c. Indianapolis
d. None of the Above

What famous jazz musician did NOT play at the Walker Theatre?
a. Freddie Hubbard
b. Nat King Cole
c. Scott Joplin
d. Wes Montgomery

Who was the theatre on Indiana Ave named after?
a. Crispus Attucks
b. Madam C.J. Walker
c. Mari Evans
d. Tavis Smiley

2. IQ test
What military installation were soldiers taking IQ Tests in?
a. Camp Atterbury
b. Camp David
c. Fort Benjamin Harrison
d. Fort Ouiatenon

What percent of people tested were illiterate?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 20%
d. 30%

Who is required to register for the Selective Service?
a. Young Men
b. Young Women
c. Older Men
d. None of the Above

3. Angel Mounds
Which tribe was the subject of the Angel Mounds excavation?
a. Apache
b. Cherokee
c. Mississipians
d. Wabashians

How many artifacts were found at the Angel Mounds excavation?
a. 1 million
b. 2 million
c. 2.5 million
d. 4 million

Where is Angel Mounds located?
a. Evansville
b. Lafayette
c. South Bend
d. Terre Haute

4. Women and WWII
Who produced the Soldiers without Guns poster?
a. U.S. Army
b. U.S. Air Force
c. U.S. Marines
d. U.S. Navy

What product was NOT produced in Indiana for the World War II effort?
a. Blood Plasma
b. Cartridge Cases
c. Crude Oil
d. Tent Poles

What kinds of non-traditional work did women take on during World War II?
a. Accounting
b. Cosmetology
c. Factory
d. All of the Above

5. POW Chapel
What War are the Camp Atterbury POWs from?
a. Vietnam War
b. War of 1812
c. World War I
d. World War II

Who built the Camp Atterbury Chapel?
a. American Soldiers
b. German POWs
c. Italian POWs
d. Japanese POWs

What religion did most of the prisoners at Camp Atterbury practice?
a. Buddhism
b. Catholicism
c. Islam
d. Protestantism

6. Ernie Pyle
What was Ernie Pyle’s profession?
a. Journalist
b. Mechanic
c. Soldier
d. Teacher

What war did Ernie Pyle cover?
a. Korean War
b. Spanish-American War
c. Vietnam War
d. World War II

Why did Ernie Pyle’s article capture the attention of the American public?
a. He wrote about the American reaction on the home front
b. He wrote about big battles
c. He wrote about the everyday soldier
d. He wrote about military decision-making

Unit 5: The Turbulent Post-War Years

1.Cold War
After which war was Berlin split?
a. Korean War
b. Spanish-American War
c. Vietnam War
d. World War II

When was Berlin reunified?
a. 1920
b. 1960
c. 1990
d. 2005

Which country/ies was/were involved in dividing Berlin?
a. The French
b. The Soviets
c. The Americans
d. All of the above

2. Space Race
What field of study is more common for astronauts?
a. Agriculture
b. Communications
c. Engineering
d. None of the above

Who was the first person on the moon?

a. Buzz Aldrin
b. Gene Cernan
c. Louis Armstrong
d. Neil Armstrong

Where did Neil Armstrong go to school?
a. Indiana State University
b. Purdue University
c. Rutgers University
d. University of Kentucky

3. Civil Rights: Supporting Selma
Who led the March in Selma?
a. Lance Armstrong
b. Herman B Wells
c. Malcom X
d. Martin Luther King Jr.

What did students do to support the March?
a. Held Meetings
b. Held Walks
c. Made Speeches
d. All of the above

What topic was the most important to African Americans at this time?
a. Civil Rights
b. Internet Speeds
c. Road Construction
d. Tax Reform

4. Housing Discrimination
Why might a part of the South Bend housing map be colored red?
a. To indicate to a bank what kind of loan they should give
b. To indicate that it is in a substandard area
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

What areas of the South Bend housing map received lower grades?
a. Areas close to Notre Dame
b. Areas with immigrants
c. Areas with sports complexes
d. Areas which have more police patrols

What organization produced the South Bend housing map?
a. The Federal Housing Administration
b. The Home Owners Loan Corporation
c. The National Archives
d. The Veteran’s Administration

5. Vietnam
Why were students protesting Dow Chemical?
a. Their production of napalm
b. Their opposition to the War
c. Their support of Indiana University
d. None of the above

What did Dow do in reaction to the protests?
a. Call the police
b. End their production of napalm
c. Sit down with students to discuss their concerns
d. None of the above

Which War was at the center of the Dow Chemical protest?
a. Korean War
b. Vietnam War
c. War on Terror
d. World War II

6. Title IX: Women and Sports
Who was a major supporter of Title IX?
a. Senator Birch Bayh
b. Senator Dan Coats
c. Senator Evan Bayh
d. Senator Richard Lugar

What does Title IX do?
a. Require institutions to provide equitable services to men and women
b. Require male sports to have women on their team
c. Require universities to admit more women than men
d. None of the above