

Transcription of Video

Pre-Civil War Indiana was mostly agriculture, however that began to change after the war. Giant factories built to produce farm equipment, industrial products, and household goods to supply the nation’s industrial growth. The factories needed thousands of workers, including children, to make them run. Some of the new workers were Hoosiers moving from farms to cities, but many more were newly arriving immigrants. These factories, and their workers, led to rapid growth of Indiana cities like Evansville, Fort Wayne, Gary, and Indianapolis.

Transportation networks were created across the state to move Indiana’s agricultural and industrial products around the region, state, and the nation. At first, canals were built to transport Indiana’s goods to market. Canals were replaced by railroads that did not rely on water to connect products to markets. The Monon, Anderson Beltway, and the B&O were only three of the hundreds of rail lines that ran through Indiana.

By the early 1900s, Indiana was also a center of automobile production. Indiana was on its way to becoming known as the "Crossroads of America." Industrialization brought great wealth to Indiana, but it was concentrated in the hands of a few. The rapid industrial growth took a toll on Indiana’s environment and on the workers who supplied the labor. What was then - and is today - the price of "progress?" And who should foot the bill?

Primary Sources

Indiana’s Canal Era
Lockport, Indiana
Source: Indiana Historical Society
Compelling Question: How do new modes of transportation affect the citizens of Indiana?

Recorded Sound
Preserving Pres. Harrison’s Voice
Source: Michigan State University Libraries: G. Robert Vincent Voice Library
Compelling Question: How has current technology affected the way elected officials communicate with their constituents?

Railroads & Recreation
Traveling to Indiana’s Dunes
Source: Indiana State Library Digital Collections
Compelling Question: How do we balance the commercial and recreational uses of Indiana’s natural resources?

Indiana Entrepreneurs
Madam CJ Walker
Source: Chronicling America: The Dallas Express, April 9, 1921Compelling Question: How can entrepreneurs combine successful businesses with social justice?

Indiana Car Manufacturers
McIntrye Automobile Co.
Source: Indiana Historical Society
Compelling Question: How can Indiana manufacturers maintain stability in a rapidly changing environment?

Women’s Suffrage
Indiana Women Demand the Vote
Source: Indiana State Library Digital Collections
Compelling Question: How might mandatory voting affect voter turnout and election results?